Film Title: Refugee Children: Escape from Persecution and War
Company: UNHCR—The UN Refugee Agency
Age Range: Middle and High Schools
Does not include teaching materials
Topic: Racism and Human Rights
Subject Areas: Human rights, Nationalism, Racism, Immigration, Persecution and War, Government, Social Studies, History
Running Time and Sections: 1 section—7.5 mintues
Alex’s Review:
Through this motion slideshow of pictures and facts, the audience is able to clearly understand what a refugee child has to go through. These young children face persecution because of their “race, religion, nationality, social group, political beliefs, or those of their parents.” Unfortunately, during their escape, in many cases the children will become separated from their parents or witnesses to horrific things. When they are displaced and temporarily settled at camps, education and sports help them maintain a sense of normalcy. What people in America or other well-off countries take for granted, these children crave. Receiving a somewhat decent education is extremely important to protecting these kids from violence, disease, crime and drugs, or military recruitment. Out of almost 31.7 million people that are displaced each year, nearly half of those people are refugee children.